Booking Information & Aftercare

Things you need to know before & after booking with me




My books are now open. Click the link below to submit a request form to be tattooed by me.

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Please read carefully before filling out request when my bookings open. Thank you!

B O O K I N G :
I open my books approximately every three months for 24-48 hours. I like to do in-person consultations however this has changed to virtual, due to covid-19!
When my books open I will have a form to fill out where I will collect as much information as possible about the piece you want to get. For my next booking periods I will be more selective about what pieces I’m taking on. I will be going through these submission forms and contacting the clients based on the projects that I feel most comfortable working on. From there I'll be booking phone consultations. I think it's very important to talk through your ideas and mine. This piece will be on your body forever and it's important for both of us to have as much information as possible, whether the piece is big or small. It's also much easier than going back and forth via email. If the piece you want is large or very detailed, we may need to book you more than one session and complete the tattoo in pieces.

D E P O S I T S :
A $100 - $200 + tax (based on your appointment size) non-refundable deposit will be taken at the time of the appointment being made.
Deposits can be made via email I'll send you a link to my PayPal. No appointment will be made without a deposit.
Once the appointment is scheduled you will have 48 hours before the appointment to cancel, or reschedule.
Please understand that deposits are taken to protect my time. If your appointment is interrupted due to Covid-19 you will be rescheduled or placed on a waitlist until it is safe to proceed. Deposits will not be returned.

D R A W I N G S :
I do not send any drawings before the day of the appointment. I'm happy to make changes to the design the day of your appointment as long as it's not too time consuming, and we'll still have time to complete your tattoo. If changes to the drawing will take me additional time to perfect, your appointment may be subject to be rescheduled to a later date.

P R I C I N G :
I'm always happy to give a rough quote or estimate range during our consultation. If you have a budget, please let me know this ahead of time. Payments can be made in person via cash or credit.

F L A S H :
Booking pre-drawn flash which can be found in my Instagram highlights and will be booked in whether my books are open or closed. I'm always happy to find time to do a piece from my portfolio that I've wanted to do.

W H E R E D O I W O R K ? :
Private Studio | Toronto On

**Please know that there is a chance I may not take on your project. Understand this is not personal! If your idea is something I don't feel comfortable executing I may refer you to another artist this isn't because I don't want to do your tattoo, but because I want you to have the best possible result! If the tattoo you want is small and simple I'm more than happy to do it but if you don't want to wait or pay my minimum I can always recommend someone great!

C A N C E L L A T I O N S & R E S C H E D U L I N G : Keep in mind, my books are only open for a short period of time and then close, so if you need to reschedule, unless I already have a cancellation within my booking period, you’ll be placed on a cancellation list and called if an appointment becomes available. If an appointment does not become available, I will contact you before my books re- open to reschedule.


F I R S T 4 8 H O U R S :
Leave clear bandage on for 48 hours, black build up / blood or fluid underneath is completely normal. Unless the bandage is peeling back past where your tattoo is leave it on for the full 48 hours. Your bandage is water resistant, so you can take showers regularly but if you go to the gym I suggest taking a couple days off until the bandage is removed.

B A N D A G E R E M O V A L :
When you remove the bandage take it off in the shower, make sure it's the last thing you do in the shower. Wash your hair & body first then when you’re done everything you can take off your bandage. Peel the bandage away slowly and carefully, it won't hurt your tattoo in any way but your tattoo will still be a little tender so take your time. Immediately after removing your bandage wash your new tattoo well with warm water and unscented soap (Dove or Ivory). After you shower pat your tattoo dry with clean paper towel.

D A Y 3 - 5 P O S T T A T T O O :
For the next few days while your tattoo is still very fresh you are just going to keep your tattoo clean and dry. Wash it up to twice a day with the same unscented soap, morning & night or after the gym or any exercise. Do your best not to touch your tattoo with dirty hands, & if you have children or pets be extra clean!

D A Y 5 - 20 P O S T T A T T O O :
You will notice your tattoo has likely become very dry and itchy, maybe a little flakey. You can now start moisturizing once or twice a day verrrrry lightly with unscented water based lotion (Aveno or Lubriderm). Apply sparingly with clear hands, and make sure that you’re really rubbing it all in.
In approximately 2-2.5 weeks your tattoo should be 95% healed. Until then keep your tattoo as dry as possible, so no baths, hot tubs or swimming. If you need a touch up it can be scheduled 8 weeks post tattoo, not before. Touch-ups are free within the first 3 months. Locations where you are warned that a touch up will need to be done there will be a charge of $50.

F O R E V E R C A R E:
To have your tattoo looking great for as long as possible avoid UV as much as possible. If you do spend time in the sun make sure you're applying SPF 60 to your tattoo!

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to email or call me! DON’T GOOGLE IT!

Thank you again for your support and it was such a pleasure tattooing you! :)